The Androscorpions (アンドロスコーピオン) are one of Vida's races unique to Gartland that branched off from the Arachne.[1]
They have an upper body resembling a human and a Scorpion's lower body. Skin is chocolate brown. Only females exist.[1][2]
They inhabit the desert of Gartland. They are adapted to the sand where humans cannot even walk properly. They farm in oases and live in structures made of sand hardened by magic. [2]
Like Arachne, they can run at high speeds. In addition to their humanoid upper bodies, they can attack with scorpion shears and poisonous tails.[2]
Like the original Arachne, the Androscorpion race has only women. Therefore, they reproduce with the help of men from other races, like homunculi developed by the gods of Gartland, Snow Ice Titans, and so on.[1]