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"If I can keep living happily with mother like this, I don't need a 4th life."
Eleven Founding Gods of LambdaHistoryRelationships

The Eleven Founding Gods (始祖の十一神 ())[1] of Lambda, also known as the Eleven Pillars, are the first eleven gods to come forth from the remains of two primordial gods: Great Black God and Great White God. Unlike the gods that came before them, these eleven gods chose to create a world which became known as Lambda.

After the war, "the only god of creation still remaining in Lambda excluding the subordinate gods" is Alda.[2]


Vida Thumb
Life and Love
Alda Thumb
Light and Law
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Fire and War
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Water and Knowledge
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Wind and Art
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Earth and Crafts
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Time and Magic
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Space and Creation
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Eight Elemental Gods[]

  • Vida, the Goddess of Life and Love.
  • Alda, the God of Light and Law.
  • Zantark, the War-God of Fire and Destruction.
  • Peria, the Goddess of Water and Knowledge.
  • Shizarion, the God of Wind and Art. (Destroyed by Demon King Guduranis)
  • Botin, Mother of the Earth and Goddess of Craftsmanship.
  • Ricklent, the Genie of Time and Magic.
  • Zuruwarn, the God of Space and Creation.


  • Marduke, Dragon-Emperor God. (Destroyed by Demon King Guduranis)
  • Zerno, the Giant God. (Destroyed by Demon King Guduranis)
  • Ganpaplio, the Beast-God. (Destroyed by Demon King Guduranis)


  1. Chapter 3: A hikikomori at six months old (Web Novel)
  2. Side Chapter 2: The only remaining god of the eleven gods (Web Novel)