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Vandalieu Praising the Sun
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Jobs (ジョブ ()) are, in modern terms, defined as the path one chooses for one's life to take. Acquiring a job will grant effects and bonuses to skills related to that job. These buffs will remain permanently in effect even in the face of subsequent job changes.[1][2]

Job changes[]

The max level of any job is 100. Once level 100 is reached, one should change jobs as quickly as possible, in order to not lose out on any EXP gained. In spite of this, some may delay their job change if they are undecided on what path they want to take, or when there are no other jobs available to change to.[2] In Lambda, it is not uncommon practice to change jobs in preparation for battle, depending on the situation and the person's abilities.[3]

Once one’s Level reached 100, their current Job would not increase in Level any further, and even if they changed to another Job, the effects and bonuses to Skills of the previous Job would still permanently be in effect.

One can change their job in a job-changing room, which is usually found in Adventurers' Guilds. In the middle of the room is a crystal ball, which upon touch will display a list of available jobs that can be selected in the user's consciousness.[4][2] Available jobs appear on the job selection display when the user learns of what kinds of jobs exists in the world, as demonstrated when Undead Tamer did not appear before Vandalieu heard about it from Eleanora.[4]

Career choices[]

The following is an excerpt from Luciliano's research notes And Adventurers’ Guild, Mages’ Guild and Tamers’ Guild, as well as a piece of reference information that can be found in the reference room of each Guild.

"Job changes are important, life-changing choices not only for ordinary people acquiring creation-oriented Jobs, but for adventurers acquiring combat-oriented Jobs as well. Unlike Jobs such as Apprentice Warrior, Apprentice Mage and Apprentice Craftsman, specialized Jobs such as Baker and Swordsman provide effects and bonuses to a narrower range of Skills. In other words, such bonuses are not useful for other professions. If one acquires the Baker or Swordsman Job and later realizes that they are not suitable for the profession they chose, they are unable to acquire another Job without undergoing another Job change." "This explanation confuses Master and Legion, however. It seems that in other worlds, it is strange to acquire Jobs to learn the skills needed for one’s intended profession. Well, Jobs and Skills apparently do not exist in other worlds, so that is probably why."[1]

"Well, they can still go into similar professions… A Baker would be able to work in another cooking-related profession and a Swordsman would not be unable to equip a spear or axe, so in these cases, a mistaken Job is not a fatal mistake. But it is troublesome to make large changes to one’s life plan, such as changing from a combat-oriented Job to a creation-oriented one, so caution must be taken around such changes… Acquiring numerous creation-oriented Skills while taking combat-oriented Jobs like Master is an incredible exception." "By acquiring multiple jobs of the same kind, it is possible to become a specialist in one field. However, it is common to maintain some breadth, as specializing too much will render one useless outside that specialization."[1]

Job History[]

The following is an excerpt from Luciliano's research notes And Adventurers’ Guild, Mages’ Guild and Tamers’ Guild, as well as a piece of reference information that can be found in the reference room of each Guild.

"Regarding the number of Job changes, ordinary human citizens undergo approximately four, though this depends on their profession and the Jobs they choose. Using my previous example of Baker, the Job path would look something like this: Apprentice Chef → Chef → Baker → Renowned Baker. Those with talent and those blessed by Master would be able to progress even further to Jobs such as Master Baker." "No small number of adventurers die while completing requests, and those who reach high status serve noblemen or become noblemen themselves. Thus, it is difficult even for Guilds to acquire detailed information about them, so it does not seem possible to determine an average figure for how many times they change Jobs."[1]

"Dwarves, who have long lifespans, would undergo two Job changes in addition to this, while Elves, whose lifespans are even longer, would be able to undergo twice as many Job changes. But in the case of Dwarves and Elves, even ordinary citizens often acquire combat-related Jobs, so they cannot simply be defined as ordinary people." It is common for one to be in their forties by the time they undergo their fourth job change.[1]

Job types[]

See Category:Jobs for a complete list.

In the past, new jobs like knight and soldier was discovered one after another. However, after the age of the gods, the discovery of new jobs became more and more infrequent. By the time of Vandalieu's age, new jobs were normally only discovered once every few decades or centuries. Because of this, guilds offered a cash reward to those who discovered new jobs.[5]

Whenever a new job is discovered, it's not possible to know what it does before taking it on first. Although some educated guesses can be made, by comparing its name to existing jobs.[5]

Frontline roles[]

Fighters like warriors and knights usually have frontline roles. They have less mana than mages who fight from the back, however compensate for it with their higher vitality, strength, stamina and agility. Usually they do not consume mana, unless they use martial skills.[5]


“We priest-warriors are not soldiers or adventurers. We should not be commanded by the nation’s circumstances." “We do not hesitate to fight against monsters. But is there any meaning in serving on the expedition?”[6]

"Priest-warriors had originated as priests of Churches in remote areas, armed for the purpose of hunting dangerous wild beasts, long before the Demon King created monsters in this world. In the present era, they were clergymen who wielded military power to protect the Church and its believers, and to spread their teachings to people living in distant regions. (…) They were learned men. It was clear to them that there were political motives behind the expedition, just as there had been for the expedition to Talosheim two hundred years ago. And there were no people that needed protecting beyond the Boundary Mountain Range. These two facts made them refuse to participate in the expedition."[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Side Chapter 25: A mother who wants to grow stronger, an emperor who wants his bloodline to continue and reincarnated individuals who want their message read (Web Novel)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Chapter 270: The secret exchange between the Great Demon King and the Alcrem Duchy (Web Novel)
  3. Vol. 8, Chapter 35: Dragon Golem (Manga)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Chapter 50: The battle against the Dragon Golem that was seventy percent destroyed by the hero (LightnovelBastion)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Chapter 58: The toiling soldiers and the Eclipse King serving beautiful women (LightnovelBastion)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Chapter 57: The Eclipse King is crowned, and a saint receives a Divine Message (LightnovelBastion)