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- |Universe
- Category:Locations|Locations
- Origin
- Earth
- Demon King World
- Lambda
- Bahn Gaia
- Category:Organizations|Organizations
- Category:Guilds|Guilds
- Adventurers' Guild
- Tamers' guild
- Mages' guild
- Category:Adventurers' party|Adventurers' parties
- Amid Empire
- Orbaume Kingdom
- New Talosheim
- Category:Organizations|Organizations
- Category:Factions|Factions
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- Category:Terminology|System
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- Titles
- Category:Race Titles
- Monsters
- Category:Terminology|System
- Category:Characters|Characters
- |Main Cast
- Vandalieu
- |Supporting Characters
- Darcia
- Zadiris
- Basdia
- Borkus
- Tarea
- Eleanora
- |Pure-breed Vampires
- Ternecia
- Gubamon
- Birkyne
- |Vampires
- Sercrent Ozba
- Isla
- Gubamon
- Valen
- |Mirg Shield Nation
- Marshal Palpapek
- |Amid Empire
- Marshukzarl von Bellwood
- Category:Aventurers
- Riley
- Heinz
- Kasim
- Schneider
- Category:Gods
- Rodcorte
- Eleven Founding Gods of Lambda
- Vida
- Alda
- Zantark
- Peria
- Shizarion
- Botin
- Ricklent
- Zuruwarn
- Marduke
- Zerno
- Ganpaplio
- |Evil Gods
- Lissana
- Hihiryushukaka
- Fidirg
- Merrebeveil
- Luvesfol
- |Subordinate Gods
- Curatos
- Fitun
- |Familiar Spirits
- Machida Aran
- Shimada Izumi
- Vandalieu
- |Main Cast
- Category:High Gods|Founding Gods of Lambda
- Media
- Web novel|Web Novel
- Webnovel/Volume/1|Volume 1
- Webnovel/Volume/2|Volume 2
- Webnovel/Volume/3|Volume 3
- Webnovel/Volume/4|Volume 4
- Webnovel/Volume/5|Volume 5
- Webnovel/Volume/6|Volume 6
- Webnovel/Volume/7|Volume 7
- Webnovel/Volume/8|Volume 8
- Webnovel/Volume/9|Volume 9
- Webnovel/Volume/10|Volume 10
- Webnovel/Volume/11|Volume 11
- Webnovel/Volume/12|Volume 12
- Category:Web Novel|See more...
- Manga
- Manga/Volume/1|Volume 1
- Manga/Volume/2|Volume 2
- Manga/Volume/3|Volume 3
- Manga/Volume/4|Volume 4
- Manga/Volume/5|Volume 5
- Manga/Volume/6|Volume 6
- Manga/Volume/7|Volume 7
- Manga/Volume/8|Volume 8
- Manga/Volume/9|Volume 9
- Manga/Volume/10|Volume 10
- Manga/Volume/11|Volume 11
- Manga/Volume/12|Volume 12
- Category:Manga|See more...
- Light novel|Light Novel
- Lightnovel/Volume/1|Volume 1
- Lightnovel/Volume/2|Volume 2
- Lightnovel/Volume/3|Volume 3
- Lightnovel/Volume/4|Volume 4
- Lightnovel/Volume/5|Volume 5
- Lightnovel/Volume/6|Volume 6
- Lightnovel/Volume/7|Volume 7
- Lightnovel/Volume/8|Volume 8
- Lightnovel/Volume/9|Volume 9
- Lightnovel/Volume/10|Volume 10
- Lightnovel/Volume/11|Volume 11
- Lightnovel/Volume/12|Volume 12
- Category:Light Novel|See more...
- Web novel|Web Novel