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Vandalieu looking at Bandits
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Orbaume KingdomArchitectureHistoryRelationships

The Orbaume Kingdom (オルバウム選王国 ()) is composed of several small countries (which are now called duchies) that came together in order to resist the Amid Empire. The capital of the Orbaume Kingdom is the city of Orbaume.[?]


Orbaume born 500 years ago in response to the incresing power of the Amid Empire, which have successfully united the west of the Bahn Gaia Continet under its power. During that time 12 different kingdoms choose to unit in an electoral monarquic system in order to have the power to reject the invasion of Amid, so each monarch pass from be a king to a duke and their kingdoms became duchies under the influence of the Orbaume Central Goverment.[?]


The leader of Orbaume is chosen by popular vote by the dukes of each duchy similar to how the German princes of the past used to vote on an emperor. The King serves a term of ten years and can only be reelected once, the longest a single king can rule is 20 years. The Duchies are largely self-governing.[?]

At the time of Volume 11, the current king is Duke Corbitt.[1]


There are a total of 12 duchies that the Orbaume Kingdom is comprised of, along with the cetral region of Orbaume in where the elected king govern during his term. Each Duchy possess a different culture, demography and religion factions in power, so there is a strong sense that every duchy is still a different country.

Vandalieu Praising the Sun
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Comment: Descriptions about each of the duchies should be kept on their dedicated article pages, until those pages have been completed.
Alcrem Duchy
Located next to the Sauron Duchy, Alcrem is characterisated by its comercial networks and economic prosperity, to the point other duchies berate them for that saying that their full vaults make up for their weak military corps. Although in the past they were inclined towards the Alda fundamentalism, the current duke Tackard Alcrem decided to change to the Peaceful Faction as their influence grew thanks to the Five Colored Swords exploits.[?]
Arthaba Duchy
A duchy with a strong presence of the church of Alda, nevertheless the current goverment isn't subbued to the temple's will and although pious, they are not fanatic and take decisions based in political interests and the good of the people.[?]
Birgitt Duchy
This duchy is composed mostly by people of the beast race, which have governed the land as a meritocracy during hundred of years. Originally the duchy of Birgitt was a tribal alliance among the different races of beast people who band together in order to fund a nation and protect from the persecution of Alda believers, so since their founding they have always been proud believers of Vida. The current Duke is Gerald Birgitt, a wolf type beastkind.[?]
Corbitt Duchy
The duchy from which the currente elected king come. Nowadays the son of the duke Corbitt governs in place of his father without formally inhereting the title.[?]
Farzon Duchy
A duchy that has give all their support to the Alda's peaceful faction and have a strong faith in Alda, with some presence of Peria and Vida's churches that have amicable relationships with Alda's churches and are in syncrony with some of their beliefs. This duchy has also the greatest port in all Orbaume kingdom.[?]
Hartner Duchy
Borders with Sauron Duchy to the north and the Boundaring Mountain Range to the west. About more than 200 years ago it wasconnected to Talosheim through a tunnel and enjoyed prosperity throught commerce.[?] Originally inclined towards Vida faith, the duchy has been ruled by Alda fundamentalists for about 200 years since the betrayal of the Hartner Duke of that time towards Talosheim.[2]
Jahan Duchy
The duchy is east of Jison Duchy. This is the northernmost duchy, causing it to have short summers and long, harsh winters. There is also a set of mountains separating the duchy from the sea. The Church of Alda has a lot of influence due to the Duke, Hadros Jahan.
Jison Duchy
Located to the south of the Jahan Duchy and to the east of the Zektoa Duchy. It's a duchy with a secure entry to the ocean and famous for their marine products. The faith in Peria is the main religious power in this duchy.[?]
Lexto Duchy
A duchy that has a fair treatment towards "people" (humans, elves, dwarves) and Vida's races. The other duchies consider and it's politicians as opportunistic.[?]
Piltkov Duchy
Located directly to the south of the Electoral Territory (Royal Domain), it is described as a duchy more interested in the arts and commerce than the religion.[?]
The Royal Domain
An administrative region located in the center of the twelve duchies, it is where the capital of the electoral kingdom is located, which house more than 4 millions of inhabitants. Most of the nobles of the duchies have houses in the nobles district of the city in order to attend to the social season every year. The most influential families of the territory are the Tecracanis and Dormand families.[?]
Sauron Duchy
Located to the north of the Hartner Duchy and to the west of the Alcrem Duchy, it possess the only shared frontier with the Amid empire through its vassal kingdom, the Shield Nation of Mirg. The duchy has been the battefield and the first line of defense in the war against the empire since the foundation of the Electoral Kingdom.[?] One year after Vandalieu was born, it was occupied by the Amid Empire.[3]
Zektoa Duchy
Located between the Electoral Territory to its west and the Jison Duchy to its east. It is a duchy that has a relatively strong faith in Botin.[?]


Each duchy retains its own military force; They usually band together in defense and sometimes participate together in counterattacks against the Amid Empire and its vassal states.[?]


Duchy May have different cultural practices depending on the different people living each duchy.[?]


Each Duchy has its own policy concerning religion. The religion of Vida and the Harmony faction of Alda coexist together, with differences in preference based on the duchy.[?]

Thus, it follows both Alda's Faction gods and some of Vida's Faction gods.[?]


  • The Extremist Faction of Alda is universally hated by the citizens of all Duchies due to the fact that it is the religion of the Amid Empire. However, certain influential people like the Duke of Hartner centuries ago were sympathetic to the Extremist Faction.[?]
  • The Amid empire claims that Orbaume has many strong monsters. However, in reality, the Amid Empire is referring to the strong Vida races that live in the Orabaume Kingdom.[?]
  • There is currently a Dhampir craze going on in all the duchies due to the fact that Heinz is part of the Harmony faction and he has taken in Selen. Dhampirs can expect guest-like treatment.[?]
  • Orbaume is named after the Free City of Orbaume, instead of being derived from the founder's surname as is the custom of most human societies. "The nation's founder united twelve independent nations and devised the system of having an elected monarch. This city was at the center of what was now the capital realm. However, even the Free City of Orbaume had originally been named by taking one character from each of the surnames of its five founders."[4]


  1. Side Chapter 41: The puzzled nobles and Urðr who longs for yesterday (Web Novel)
  2. Chapter 93: The Monster who won’t give up (LightnovelBastion)
  3. Chapter A9: TBA (TBA)
  4. Chapter 247: The new name for the nation is decided (Web Novel)