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Vandalieu Praising the Sun
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"No one escapes my sights!"
Vida's factionHistoryRelationships

Vida's Faction is one of the 3 major factions of Gods in the world. The other two being the Remnants of the Demon King's Army and Alda's Faction. Vida's Faction has not been active due to the High God Vida recovering from her wounds from 100.000 years ago. Each of the three factions have their own cycle of reincarnation, which is why Rodcorte does not have any dominion south of the Boundary Mountain Range.

Most of the Gods and Evil Gods under Vida are supporting a massive barrier south of the Boundary Mountain Range, which prevents Alda and other Evil Gods from creating faith and peering into the region. And supporting these Gods are a large number of statues enshrined in the Colosseum. They were the statues of a countless number of majin, as well as the statues of a far smaller number of pure-breed vampires, kijin, noble orcs, dark elves, drakonids and merfolk.

The statues of the Pure-breed Vampires and members of the races of Vida that live within the Boundary Mountain Range who have willingly turned into stone and temporarily released themselves from their physical bodies in order to maintain the barrier around the mountain range. They took a step into the realm of the gods while they are still alive; they are considered far greater leaders by some of the current leaders of the nations within the Boundary Mountain Range. In addition to the Pure-breed Vampires, there were members of Vida’s races who had reached Rank 13 or higher such as Elder Dragons and true Colossi, who had stepped into the realm of divinity. It is a place to turn into stone and wait for the final battle against Alda once one grows tired of living.

Vida’s faction was different from the survival-of-the-fittest environment in the Demon King’s army and its remnants, where extreme hierarchical relationships existed, and it was also different from the strict authoritarian society of Alda’s faction, where each role existed to maintain order and discipline. Though it depended on the individuals’ personalities, hierarchical relationships were vague, and there were some merits to this.

The faction has lost a great number of believers, as Alda's Faction has been systematically wiping out the races she has created, greatly reducing the amount of power she can receive from believers, hence the reason why she has not revived even after so much time has passed. The same could be said for her allies, as many were left protecting and supporting the barrier.

Vida Fundamentalism[]

A term that Vandalieu and Darcia began to use to clarify the difference from Vida faith cooperative with the Alda's church in human society.[1] Some precedents exist in earlier usage.[2]


High Gods[]

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Subordinate Gods[]

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Evil Gods[]

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  Bogo Arbozo   
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Lesser Gods of the Demon Continent[]

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  Luze Magella   
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  • The Heroic Spirits in Vida's Faction are commonly respected by the people like the gods are. But although they are in a lower position than the gods, the relationship between them appeared to be one between equals.[3]
  • Storm of Tyranny • Heart Warriors


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  Al Abel   



  • From Bahn Gaia Continent : Talosheim • All nations south of the Boundary Mountain Range
  • From Demon Continent : City inhabited by Kiryujin, Maryujin and a small number of individuals belonging to Vida’s other races, such as Ghoul Amazoness.[5]
  • Clergymen/women of churches in nations that truly believe through divine messages or are affected by Darcia : Morksi clergymen/woman priestess • Paula, priest



  1. Side Chapter 41: The puzzled nobles and Urðr who longs for yesterday (Web Novel)
  2. Chapter 212: The encroachment of the city of Morksi (Web Novel)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Side Chapter 25: A mother who wants to grow stronger, an emperor who wants his bloodline to continue and reincarnated individuals who want their message read (Web Novel)
  4. Chapter 189: A moving storm, a growing mother and son, and people who can’t join forces (Web Novel)
  5. Chapter 187: An expanding nation and the Demon King that refuses to strike (Web Novel)