The Death Mage Wiki


The Death Mage Wiki
The Death Mage Wiki

The 1st volume of the web novel is titled 「ミルグ盾国 (たてこく)編」 in Japan, which translates to "Mirg Shield-Country" in English. It was released in Japanese on Syoyetsu (June 30, 2015), and later in English on Light Novel Bastion by the fantranslator Yoshi (April 02, 2019).


Due to a mistake by the god of transmigration, Amamiya Hiroto is reborn in the horrific circumstances as a laboratory animal, because of his unusual affinity for death-attribute magic, and is killed and cursed. He is then re-reborn in Lambda and becomes a Dhampir, a half-Vampire named Vandalieu. His mother Darcia, however, is killed as a witch who had relations with a Vampire. He vows revenge on all those involved in his mother's death and sets out on a journey to find a place where he can live.

On his journey, he meet the spirits of a man and his daughters killed by bandits and joins a village of Ghouls who are also on the outside of human society, but even there they are being persecuted by humans. Vandalieu leaves beyond the unexplored mountain range with his fellow survivors of the war with the Orcs.



Ch. English Publ. (EN) Japanese Publ. (JP)
000 Preface: The end of the first and the second time 2019-04-02 序章:一度目と二度目 (にどめ)終わり (おわり) 2015-06-30
001 The Beginning of The Third Time 2019-04-02 三度目の始まり 四度目はいらない 2015-06-30
002 Hard mode begins, insanity takes over 2019-04-02 ハードモード開始と狂気の引継ぎ 2015-07-01
003 A hikikomori at six months old 2019-04-02 生後半年にして引きこもり 2015-07-04
004 Love for the sun 2019-04-02 太陽へ愛を 2015-07-06
005 An idea: If I can't get stronger, then those around me should get stronger instead 2019-04-02 自分が強くなれないなら周りが強くなればいいじゃない的発想 2015-07-07
006 Bandits provide good leveling experience 2019-04-02 レべリング 経験値源は山賊がお得 2015-07-10
007 Unlasting revenge complete, now, work hard 2019-04-02 取り返しの付く復讐完了 さぁ、頑張れ 2015-07-14
008 Encountering an optional gate and challenging it 2019-04-02 立ちはだかっていない関門にあえて挑む 2015-07-17
009 The second life that begins after death 2019-04-02 死後に始まる第二の人生 2015-07-21
010 Armor in both hands, speaking of dreams 2019-04-02 両手に鎧で夢を語る 2015-07-25
011 Did you think you'd saved a beautiful girl? 2019-04-02 美少女を助けたと思ったか? 2015-07-30
012 Carnival in the Ghoul community 2019-04-02 グールコミュニティでカーニバル 2015-08-03
013 The surprises that shorten a lifespan too much 2019-04-02 寿命を削りすぎたサプライズ 2015-08-07
014 The lessons of applying anti-aging to the teacher 2019-04-02 師匠にアンチエイジングする修行 2015-08-11
015 The half-vampire solving the problem of declining birth rates and the noble pig-man burning with ambition 2019-04-03 少子化問題解決に取り組む半吸血鬼と野望に燃える高貴な豚人 2015-08-15
016 Skills make one the Ghoul King 2019-04-03 スキルの都合でグールキング 2015-08-19
017 He was supposed to become the Ghoul King because of his skills. 2019-04-03 スキルの都合だけでグールキングのはずだった。 2015-08-23
018 The enemy of the enemy has begun moving, but preparations continue anyway 2019-04-03 敵の敵が動き始めたが、気がつかないまま襲撃準備 2015-08-27
019 Carrying out a dirty attack 2019-04-03 えげつない襲撃を行おう 2015-08-31
020 Let us smash the noble pigs’ noses 2019-04-03 高貴な豚の鼻を叩き潰そう 2015-09-04
021 An unsightly, humorous boss fight 2019-04-03 無様にして滑稽な大将戦 2015-09-08
022 During the aftermath of war, the number of followers increases 2019-04-03 終戦処理で眷属が増える 2015-09-12
023 The truth I learn as I approach three years of age, and the enemy of my enemy is an enemy 2019-04-03 齢三歳を前にして気がつく真実と、敵の敵は敵 2015-09-13
024 I, my allies and my enemies cannot be stopped once we start moving 2019-04-03 自分も仲間も敵も動き出したら止まらない 2015-09-16
025 The journey by carriage, pushing through the mountains 2019-04-03 ごり押し登山馬車の旅 2015-09-20
026 Overcoming the difficulties, standing before a new land 2019-04-03 難題を超えて新天地の前に立つ 2015-09-21

