The Death Mage Wiki


The Death Mage Wiki
The Death Mage Wiki

The 2nd volume of the web novel is titled 「沈んだ太陽 (しずんだたいよう) (みやこ) タロスヘイム編」 in Japan, which translates to "City of the Setting Sun, Talosheim" in English. It was released in Japanese on Syoyetsu (September 24, 2015), and later in English on Light Novel Bastion by the fantranslator Yoshi (April 03, 2019).


In this volume, we see Vandalieu and his friends entering Talosheim, and rebuilding the ruins with the help of the titans there. Pauvina is born, and Basdia becomes pregnant. Meanwhile, the vampires track him down, resulting in Vandalieu crushing Sercrent's soul and Eleanora defecting. Building up defenses, and dungeon clearing, before facing off with the Dragon Golem and a magical sword. The volume ends with Rodcorte finally realizing that Vandalieu has fallen out of his reincarnation system.



Ch. English Publ. (EN) Japanese Publ. (JP)
027 In a new land. Apparently I am the Prophesized Holy Son 2019-04-03 新天地にて。どうやら神託の御子らしいです 2015-09-24
028 The conditions in which the first objective can be achieved 2019-04-03 当初の目的は達成できる模様 2015-09-28
029 The Black Ghoul King and the One-Armed Sword King 2019-04-03 ブラックなグールキングと隻腕の剣王 2015-09-29
030 I'm Fine with being the Prophesized Holy Son 2019-04-03 俺、予言の御子で良いですよ 2015-10-02
031 Forced to be white. What’s resting, again? 2019-04-03 強制ホワイト。休むって何だっけ? 2015-10-06
032 A journey of self-discovery and Rank up 2019-04-03 自分探しとランクアップ 2015-10-07
033 A new resolve on my third birthday 2019-04-03 三歳の誕生日で決意を新たに 2015-10-10
034 My first time getting a Job, but I won’t go into a Dungeon yet 2019-04-03 初めての就職、でもダンジョンにはまだ行かない 2015-10-11
035 A new life has been born, so let’s adjust our living environment 2019-04-03 新しい命が生まれたので、ちょっと生活環境を整えますね 2015-10-14
036 Spartan training supported with praise 2019-04-03 褒めて伸ばすスパルタ修行 2015-10-15
037 Can this be called clearing a Dungeon? 2019-04-03 これはダンジョン攻略と言えるのでしょうか? 2015-10-18
038 The Dungeon boss is disappointing 2019-04-03 ダンジョンボスが物足りない 2015-10-22
039 With honor and fame, without land or a successor. That’s the kind of nobleman I want to be. 2019-04-03 領地も世襲可能な地位も無いけど、名誉名声はある。そんな貴族に私はなりたい 2015-10-23
040 Human society is in good shape, but more importantly, I want seaweed 2019-04-03 人間社会は景気が良いですが、そんな事より海草が欲しい 2015-10-26
041 Let’s take life one step at a time without rushing things 2019-04-03 焦らず一歩一歩生きましょう 2015-10-27
042 Shadows of unrest approach unseen 2019-04-03 不穏な影は見えない所から忍び寄る 2015-10-30
043 Something that cannot be run from, cannot be disobeyed, that doesn’t exist 2019-04-03 逃げられず、避けられない、存在しない存在 2015-11-03
044 I will end you completely; there is no future for you 2019-04-03 次の無い、完全な終わりをお前に 2015-11-04
045 Apparently I’m her number one and only one 2019-04-03 俺は彼女にとってナンバーワンでオンリーワンらしい 2015-11-07
046 Preparing defenses while desperate and out of my mind 2019-04-03 死に物狂いの狂気の沙汰で防衛準備 2015-11-08
047 Let’s launch things with a high amount of bloodthirst 2019-04-03 殺意を高く打ち出そう 2015-11-11
048 It seems I’ve become a place for insects 2019-04-03 虫に居所と定められたようです 2015-11-12
049 The victory against the mid-boss was unfulfilling, but the Dragon Golem is next 2019-04-03 中ボス戦の勝利が虚しいけど、次はドラゴンゴーレムだ 2015-11-15
050 The battle against the Dragon Golem that was seventy percent destroyed by the hero 2019-04-03 対英雄に七割以上削られた壊れかけドラゴンゴーレム戦 2015-11-16
051 You’re an enemy 2019-04-03 お前は敵だ 2015-11-17
S01 In a Divine Realm 2019-04-03 神域より 2015-11-18
CS V1+2 Character Summary Page 2019-04-03 一章&二章キャラクター紹介 2015-11-19

