The Death Mage Wiki


The Death Mage Wiki
The Death Mage Wiki

The 5th volume of the web novel is titled 「怪物 (かいぶつ)遠征 (えんせい)編」 in Japan, which translates to "The Monstrosity’s Expedition" in English. It was released in Japanese on Syoyetsu (April 19, 2016), and later in English on Light Novel Bastion by the fantranslator Yoshi (April 03, 2019).


Greedy for food, Vandalieu and his subordinates level the marshlands of the south for dairy products, and in the process learn some of the circumstances of the gods. Later, Vandalieu enters the Sauron Duchy under the occupation of the Amid Empire for rice, and investigates a series of murders in the villages of Scylla, a race of Vida with monster bloodline.

The murderers are thought first to be the radicals opposed to peace between the Amid Empire and Scylla, but it turns out to be the work of a resistance group that plans to turn them into a force against the Amid. Using the bodies of the leaders of this group as bait, Vandalieu breaks into Gubamon's stronghold and destroy him.

Again, the only allies gained in human society end up being another resistance group.


Ch. English Publ. (EN) Japanese Publ. (JP)
097 The Cream Expedition’s conclusion! 2019-04-03 クリーム遠征決着! 2016-04-19
098 The one who guides and the ones who go on 2019-04-03 導く者と続く者達 2016-04-23
099 The changing omens and citizens 2019-04-03 変る兆しと国民皆兵 2016-04-24
100 Dungeon-clearing is effective against back pain 2019-04-03 ギックリ腰にはダンジョン攻略が効果的 2016-04-27
101 The meeting between those who crawl on the ceiling 2019-04-03 天井を這い回る者達の出会い 2016-05-01
102 A chance meeting with a god 2019-04-03 神との邂逅 2016-05-02
S10 Rodcorte and the two’s decision 2019-04-03 ロドコルテと二人の選択 2016-05-05
103 The disappointed half-Vampire and the mad Pure-Breed Vampire 2019-04-03 残念がる半吸血鬼と、狂乱の原種吸血鬼 2016-05-09
104 There’s nothing that can be done, but I want rice 2019-04-03 手の施しようがありませんが、米が欲しい 2016-05-10
105 A person who won’t be escorted 2019-04-03 送らぬ人 2016-05-13
106 Regarding the difficulty of communication between races 2019-04-03 異種族間コミュニケーションの難しさについて 2016-05-17
107 Lucky sukebes are suckers 2019-04-03 ラッキースケベとは吸盤である 2016-05-18
108 The history of the Scylla race 2019-04-03 スキュラ族の歴史 2016-05-212
109 The approaching evil 2019-04-03 迫っちゃう魔の手 2016-05-25
110 Eclipse King and Tentacle King 2019-04-03 蝕王で触王 2016-05-26
111 Let’s look at each other’s eyes and talk 2019-04-03 目を見て話そう 2016-05-29
112 Q: Is this a prisoner? A: No, it is live bait. 2019-04-03 Q これは捕虜ですか? A いいえ、生餌です 2016-06-02
S11 Those squirming in other worlds (Earth, Origin) 2019-04-03 異世界で蠢く者達(地球 オリジン) 2016-06-03
113 Target Booking 2019-04-03 ターゲットブッキング 2016-06-04
114 The Trojan horse plan and the one whose left hand I have 2019-04-03 トロイの木馬作戦と左手首の君 2016-06-06
115 Plunderer 2019-04-03 略奪者 2016-06-07
116 The final revenge and the almost-forgotten princess knight 2019-04-03 復讐の末と、忘れかけられた姫騎士 2016-06-10
117 Dear younger brother 2019-04-03 弟さんよ 2016-06-11
118 Objectives are about 70% complete 2019-04-03 達成率は七割くらい 2016-06-14
S12 The gods watching from afar, and others 2019-04-03 遠くから見ている神々等 2016-06-15
S13 Luciliano's report - Upper section 2019-04-03 ルチリアーノレポート上 2016-06-18
S14 Luciliano’s report – Lower section + Epilogue 2019-04-03 ルチリアーノレポート下+α 2016-06-19
CS V5 Character Summary Page 2019-04-03 五章キャラクター紹介 2016-06-22
A05 Scylla race introduction + Interview with an evil god 2019-04-03 スキュラ種族紹介&インタビュー・ウィズ・悪神 2016-06-26

