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The Death Mage Wiki
The Death Mage Wiki

The 7th volume of the web novel is titled 「南部進出 (なんぶしんしゅつ)編」 in Japan, which translates to "Advancing into the Southern Region" in English. It was released in Japanese on Syoyetsu (August 14, 2016), and later in English on Light Novel Bastion by the fantranslator Yoshi (April 03, 2019).


After receiving a report from the marshlands that something is wrong, Vandalieu and his party set out to investigate further south. There, Vida's races and monsters with civilization has established their own city-state federation, unbeknownst to the human nations. However, the nation of the Noble Orcs, which had been at the center of the alliance, has been usurped in a coup d'etat supported by an evil god, and Prince Budarion, the heir to the throne, has been exiled.

Vandalieu joins Budarion, who has fallen to Zanalpadna nation, the Arachne and Empusa's city-state, and saves the nations in crisis, defeating the tyrannical Bugitas and the evil god who has taken over their bodies.

Later, the relationship between Vandalieu and the Amid Empire breaks down completely when the emperor, misunderstanding Vandalieu's character, sends an assassination squad to kill his subordinates.


Ch. English Publ. (EN) Japanese Publ. (JP)
130 The first day in the southern region, I met a spider-san at the edge of the forest 2019-04-03 南部進出の初日、森の端で蜘蛛さんに出会った 2016-08-14
S21 The reincarnated individuals’ counseling 2019-04-03 転生者の悩み相談 2016-08-17
131 The spider-san’s request to kill her 2019-04-03 蜘蛛さんは言った、「くっ、殺せ!」 2016-08-21
132 Is there anyone equivalent to an A-class adventurer present? 2019-04-03 どなたかA級冒険者相当の猛者はいらっしゃいませんか? 2016-08-22
133 Princess Kurnelia’s vi~sit~ 2019-04-03 クーネリア姫の御成~りぃ~ 2016-08-25
134 Visit to Zanalpadna 2019-04-03 ザナルパドナ訪問 2016-08-29
135 The Holy Son and his companions that will face great trials, and going out to gather what is needed 2019-04-03 偉大なる試練に挑む御子一行、必要な物を獲りに行く 2016-08-30
136 The king, the prince and the emperor 2019-04-03 王と皇子と皇帝と 2016-09-02
137 The shocking truth that is now revealed 2019-04-03 今明らかになる、衝撃の真実 2016-09-06
138 The illusion of a decisive battle in Zozogante’s Great Forest 2019-04-03 幻のゾゾガンテ大森林決戦 2016-09-07
139 People who need to take leave 2019-04-03 休養が必要な人達 2016-09-10
140 Survival of the fittest 2019-04-03 弱肉強食 2016-09-14
141 Strong meat offering 2019-04-03 供される強肉 2016-09-18
142 The king working in the nation three days after conquering it, and the emperor in the empire 2019-04-03 三日天下後の国で働く王と、中の帝国に在る皇帝 2016-09-22
S22 The Fifteen Evil-breaking Swords and the sixth reincarnated individual 2019-04-03 邪砕十五剣と、六人目の転生者 2016-09-26
143 I’m a demon, even without being told 2019-04-03 いわれなくても鬼である 2016-09-30
144 Ravovifard’s plan for certain victory 2019-04-03 『解放の悪神』ラヴォヴィファード必勝の策 2016-10-04
145 This monster – 2019-04-03 この化け物は―― 2016-10-08
146 Our nation will return to being an ordinary kingdom 2019-04-03 我が国は普通の王国に戻ります 2016-10-12
147 An audience with the gods - a suggestion to become emperor and a delicious snack 2019-04-03 神々との謁見 皇帝就任への打診と美味しいお茶菓子 2016-10-16
148 The true end of an evil god and the squirming Fifteen Evil-breaking Swords 2019-04-03 悪神の真の最期と蠢く十五剣 2016-10-20
S23 Reincarnated individuals here and there, and the god of thunderclouds 2019-04-03 あっちこっちの転生者と雷雲の神 2016-10-24
149 The warning that becomes silent 2019-04-03 沈黙する警鐘 2016-10-28
150 Don’t underestimate human strength! 2019-04-03 人の力を舐めるなよ! 2016-11-01
151 Not even an appetizer 2019-04-03 前菜にもならない 2016-11-05
152 Please let me borrow your face for a moment 2019-04-03 ちょっと顔を貸してください 2016-11-09
153 The empire’s strategy and a birthday celebration 2019-04-03 帝国の策謀と誕生祝い 2016-11-13
CS V7 Character Summary Page 2019-04-03 七章キャラクター紹介 2016-11-17
A06 An introduction to the races - Arachne, Empusa and Majin + Extra 2019-04-03 アラクネ、エンプーサ、魔人族+α種族紹介 2016-11-21
A07 Luciliano’s report 2 – Kasim’s spring 2019-04-03 ルチリアーノレポート2 カシムの春 2016-11-25

